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Poop Like a Champion Cereal

  • We are the champions.

    CLICK HERE to order this thru Amazon.


    The ultimate colon cleansing cereal formula with a stupendous amount of soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble to build the fast moving bulk and soluble to scrub out your squeaky clean colon. Why? You have 5 - 7 feet of colon and its job is more than elimination, your clean colon absorbs more nutrients, hydrates you better, improves overall health and wellness, promotes regular bowel movement, increases digestive function and promotes weight loss. 100% Gluten Free. POOP LIKE A CHAMPION isn't made to taste great, it’s MADE to WORK GREAT! That’s what makes it the most complete fiber formula money can buy. But if you like, crank up the flavor with a little brown sugar, syrup or honey for a sweet, deep and nutty taste.


    * This is an affilate product linked to Amazon dot com. There are no additional costs to you by clicking this link. But we may earn a small commission when you actually purchase this item thru Amazon. Thanks!



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